Advantages of a Alzmetall

with robot loading systems of Cellro

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Automating a Alzmetall

Alzmetall is a specialised machine manufacturer from Germany focusing mainly on niche markets. Communication lines at Alzmetall are short, allowing the various disciplines to work together well. That makes the move to automation easy. Cellro provides the right solution, namely Xcelerate or Elevate.

Easy automation of an Alzmetall machine with Xcelerate or Elevate

Alzmetall supplies two ranges of milling machines, the GS and GX series. These are 3-, 4- and 5-axis milling machines. The GX series can be considered an expanded version of the GS series. Both Xcelerate and Elevate are suitable as automation solutions for Alzmetall milling machines. More and more often, Alzmetall machines are automated from the start. Even if this is only done later when the Alzmetall machine is already installed at a company, the automation process is simple. Retrofitting for machine automation is not a problem.

Cellro can help you automate both GS and GX series milling machines. The main difference between the various Alzmetall machines is the turntable size: the higher the number, the larger the turntable. The GS600 and GS800 are prime examples of Alzmetall milling machines that can be easily automated using Xcelerate. Elevate will work with these as well. Elevate is also a suitable automation solution for larger Alzmetall machines.

Interested in automating a Alzmetall as well?
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Benefits of automating an Alzmetall machine

What makes Alzmetall machines special is their box-in-box system. This gives them a very sturdy frame, with the slides on the inside. In between is a gantry that moves over the table. This table can turn as well. Due to this system, Alzmetall machines are best loaded from the front. Cellro loading robots are an excellent fit.

Alzmetall machines are used primarily for metals that are difficult to machine, such as Inconel and Hastelloy. Applications can be found in the aerospace industry, for example. Automation allows larger items to be machined in the daytime and series of smaller items to be produced unmanned at night.


Xcelerate | The automatic loading system

Xcelerate is designed to load workpieces into a single machine. From lathes to milling machines a…

Xcelerate is designed to load workpieces into a single machine. From lathes to milling machines and from bench grinders to measuring benches, Xcelerate enables automatic finishing of production series. The automatic loading system can be linked to both new and existing CNC machines. This enables unmanned production for a wide range of machines, so you can focus on more complicated tasks in the workplace. Moreover, Xcelerate can continue operating automatically after closing time.

The movability of Cellro’s robot loading systems

By moving Xcelerate, you can perform various machine operations using Cellro’s robot loadin…

By moving Xcelerate, you can perform various machine operations using Cellro’s robot loading system. Within 15 minutes, Xcelerate can be moved between up to 4 CNC machines. After this, you can immediately proceed with your jobs. Xcelerate is centered in the floor by means of conical holes. In this video, you can see how this works.

Accessibility of the machine

Connecting an automation robot to your machine often means that the machine is no longer accessib…

Connecting an automation robot to your machine often means that the machine is no longer accessible during production. After all, a safe situation must always be guaranteed. Cellro’s robot loading systems change this, without endangering the safety of you and your employees. Cellro applies four different safety measures to maintain access to your CNC machine while it is connected to Xcelerate or Elevate.

Cellro automates among others these CNC machines