Between 14 and 16 May, our dealer ATS-S will be attending TOYOTECH 2019: 5-Axis Machine Expo. This is a trade fair in Arlington Heights, Illinois, in the United States. During this event, our dealer will demonstrate how our Xcelerate X20 machine can work with a lathe and with a milling machine.
The fair will serve as an opportunity to display various innovative machines to help you stay ahead of the competition, especially in the field of 5-axis machining. The showroom will feature 5-axis machines, horizontal and vertical machining centres, grinding machines, advanced automation systems and more.
In the machining industry of today, automation is essential to a healthy, thriving production process. However, when supplementing your staff with a robot, it is sensible to opt for flexibility as well. Long-term profitability requires a system flexible enough to meet both current and future needs. Automation enables you to assign your staff tasks where their knowledge can be applied to best effect.
Xcelerate stands for all-in-one technology. The robot is capable of handling various processing tasks with an unparalleled level of precision. Years of research and development have enabled Cellro to combine an exceptional degree of functionality into such a compact, accessible solution. We consider that simply revolutionary.